So... you've been an athlete
for your entire life
And now you're

chances are...
You're working with an orthopedic doctor, athletic trainer, physical therapist, chiropractor, acupuncturist [and every other medical provider you can think of] to make your recovery as FAST and smooth as possible
In fact, you're probably crushing it when it comes to doing your exercises, eating well, and getting the perfect amount of sleep
But the truth is, you're recovery still isn't going as planned
You feel like progress is moving slow... maybe you're even falling behind
And you're starting to wonder IF you'll be able to play your favorite sport again
Because your sport is the ONE thing in your life that makes you feel like your most badass self, shine your light, and feel at home in your body, mind, and soul
you're feeling..
Discouraged and F-ING frustrated
Hopeless and maybe even a little temptation to just throw in the towel -- because what's the purpose of working so hard to recover when your body seems to be betraying you anyways
Actually, maybe it's that you're not trying hard enough ... if you just put in a little more work, things would be better
Perhaps the scariest thing of all is that you feel like you're losing your sense of self; you're not even sure who, what, or where will make you happy again
And you believe that all of this nonsense will be over when you can just lace up running shoes, get back on the court, or crush it on the field again.
but the truth is...
You and I both know that the harder you push yourself in rehab slaving away at your exercises, believing that rest days will slow you down, and perfecting your routine, the more your body seems to be pushing back
Making the light at the end of the tunnel seem VERY far away
Which has you feeling more pissed and hopeless with each day that passes
Wondering what the heck it is that you're missing
And you're also thinking that a happy ending may never be in the cards for you, right?

good news ahead.

It makes sense...
To be scared that you might be on the sidelines for way longer than you want
And be angry because this injury was not a part of your plan -- and definitely did not happen at the right time
It makes sense to worry about ways you'll be able to keep your stress in check and stay physically fit when you've been asked to rest and take it slow for weeks, months, or years
All while feeling like you're behaving a like a total asshole no matter how hard you try not to
And the steam that's coming out of your ears and the tears that are rolling down your face are perfect -- because it's clear just how much you love to play your sport and the way it's contributed to your life
I know because I've walked in similar shoes before myself -- several times, in fact
And I'm here to tell you that it is 100% possible for YOU to rediscover a life that lights you up RIGHT NOW -- even when you're sitting on the sidelines or forced to hang up your cleats for good